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Example request

1r = requests.get("",
2    headers={"Authorization": <access_token>,
3    "Content-Type": "application/json"})

Example response

1  {
2      "address": {
3          "city": "København K",
4          "coname": null,
5          "country": "DK",
6          "municipality": "København",
7          "number": "26, st.",
8          "postdistrict": "København K",
9          "street": "Kronprinsessegade",
10          "zipcode": 1306
11      },
12      "advertisement_protection": true,
13      "audit_selected": true,
14      "bank": null,
15      "company_name": "RISIKA A/S",
16      "company_secondary_names": [
17          {
18              "name": "Global Business Platform ApS",
19              "valid_from": "2016-04-30",
20              "valid_to": "2017-05-17"
21          },
22          {
23              "name": "Globus Platform ApS",
24              "valid_from": "2017-01-14",
25              "valid_to": "2017-05-17"
26          }
27      ],
28      "company_type": {
29          "long": "Aktieselskab",
30          "short": "A/S"
31      },
32      "credit_policy": null,
33      "date_of_incorporation": "2016-04-30",
34      "email": {
35          "email": "",
36          "hidden": false
37      },
38      "financial_reports": true,
39      "financial_year": {
40          "end": "--12-31",
41          "start": "--01-01"
42      },
43      "holding_company": false,
44      "internal_id": null,
45      "last_report_date": "2019-12-31",
46      "listed": null,
47      "local_organization_id": {
48          "country": "DK",
49          "id": "37677892"
50      },
51      "main_industry_code": {
52          "code": "829100",
53          "description": "Inkassovirksomhed og kreditoplysning",
54          "isic": {
55              "code": "8291",
56              "description": "Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus",
57              "section": "N"
58          },
59          "nace": {
60              "code": "8291",
61              "description": "Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus",
62              "section": "N"
63          },
64          "section": "N"
65      },
66      "number_of_employees": {
67          "interval": "10-19",
68          "specific": 15
69      },
70      "phone": {
71          "hidden": false,
72          "phone_number": "+4542905757"
73      },
74      "powers_to_bind": "Selskabet tegnes af en direktør i forening med et medlem af bestyrelsen eller af den samlede bestyrelse",
75      "purpose": "Selskabets formål er at etablere og drive en online kreditvurderingsplatform",
76      "registered_capital": {
77          "currency": "DKK",
78          "value": 557574.0
79      },
80      "risk_assessment": "Medium",
81      "risk_assessment_code": "MEDIUM",
82      "score": 5,
83      "score_data": {
84          "BOHR": {
85              "date": "2020-12-16",
86              "probability_of_distress": null,
87              "risk_assessment": "MEDIUM",
88              "score": 5
89          },
90          "NEWTON": {
91              "date": "2020-12-16",
92              "probability_of_distress": 0.002701502526178956,
93              "risk_assessment": "LOW",
94              "score": 7
95          }
96      },
97      "secondary_industry_codes": [
98          {
99              "group_name": "Databehandling, webhosting og lignende serviceydelser; webportaler",
100              "industry_code": "631100",
101              "industry_description": "Databehandling, webhosting og lignende serviceydelser",
102              "isic": {
103                  "code": "6311",
104                  "description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
105                  "section": "J"
106              },
107              "nace": {
108                  "code": "6311",
109                  "description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
110                  "section": "J"
111              },
112              "priority": 1,
113              "section": "J"
114          },
115          {
116              "group_name": "Computerprogrammering, konsulentbistand vedrørende informationsteknologi og lignende aktiviteter",
117              "industry_code": "620200",
118              "industry_description": "Konsulentbistand vedrørende informationsteknologi",
119              "isic": {
120                  "code": "6202",
121                  "description": "Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities",
122                  "section": "J"
123              },
124              "nace": {
125                  "code": "6202",
126                  "description": "Computer consultancy activities",
127                  "section": "J"
128              },
129              "priority": 2,
130              "section": "J"
131          }
132      ],
133      "status": "Active",
134      "status_code": "ACTIVE",
135      "status_valid_from": "2016-07-01",
136      "vat": true,
137      "webpage": ""
138  }

* Check out this example request and response for basic company information.

Risika connect

Risika Connect is the fastest and easiest way to integrate updated company data, financial data and credit assessment insights from multiple markets into your software platform or application.

Quality data on all Nordic companies

Fast and well-documented REST-based APIAll company, financial and credit information directly into your systemNo need to transform cross-country data to one format. We've got you covered
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